NTTR and Area 51 Scanner Frequencies

This list of radio frequencies used around the NTTR and Area 51 is primarily based on our 20+ years of field research, as well as various official publications and lists found on the Internet. We could not verify all of the listed frequencies, and we suspect that some of them are outdated. Also, there are some frequencies that we chose not to publish here, because they tend to get changed as soon as they become public. All frequencies are in MHz, unless otherwise noted.

Highlighted frequencies are use for missions and test flights in the Dreamland Airspace. Click here for a list of callsigns used on these frequencies.

Click here for a glossary of code words and phrases used in military aviation and in radio transmissions around the Ranges, especially during Red Flag.

Click here for information on the Area 51, NTTR and Nellis AFB Trunking Systems.

Last updated: 09/06/2024

3.000 - 29.700 HF Band (AM)

5.7570 >USB< Thug Common during JFEX (12/17)
18.4500 >USB< AWACS Darkstar

29.700 - 50.000 Low Band (FM)

33.9000 Statewide fire / rescue
40.5000 Army Search and Rescue/FM Emergency
41.0000 Desert Radio (Bike Lake Advisory)
41.5000 Army Control Towers

54.000 - 72.000 TV Broadcasting Band (FM)

69.4000 Mobile SAM sites in Railroad Valley during Red Flag

108.000 - 118.000 Aeronautical Radionavigation (AM)

108.000 - 112.000 ILS and Terminal VOR

108.2000 North Las Vegas VOT
108.3000 TTR ILS 14 Localizer (I-RVP)
110.3000 KLAS Runway 25R ILS
111.7000 TTR ILS 32 Localizer (I-UVV)
111.7500 KLAS Runway 25L LOC/GS

112.000 - 118.975 VOR

113.0000 TTR VOR, ident: "TQQ" and weather info "S1"
114.3000 Mormon Mesa VOR, ident: "MMM"
114.5000 Palmdale VOR, ident: "PMD"
114.7000 Beatty VOR, ident: "BTY"
116.0000 Tonopah VOR, ident: "TPH"
116.3000 Wilson Creek VOR, ident: "ILC"
116.4000 Edwards AFB VOR, ident: "EDW"
116.7000 Boulder City VOR
116.9000 KLAS VOR
117.5000 Groom Lake VOR, ident: "MCY" and weather info
117.7000 Coaldale VOR, ident: "OAL"

118.000 - 137.000 Civilian Air Band (AM)

118.000 - 121.400 Air Traffic Control Towers and ARTCC

118.0000 KLAS Clearance Delivery
118.0250 LA Center high - Sector 53
118.0500 North Las Vegas ATIS
118.1000 Air drops, air-air, Chicken/Mellan/Keno DZ
118.1250 Nellis AFB Approach/Departure (published, NW, paired with 291.7250)
118.2750 TTR Range 74 automated weather
118.3000 Creech AFB Tower and SFA (paired with 360.625)
118.4000 KLAS Approach SE ("Canyon")
118.4500 Air Exercise, targeting ops (Laser)
118.7000 KLAS Janet Ops "Gold Coast"
118.7500 KLAS Control Tower (RY 01-19)
119.0000 Grand Canyon Tower
119.1500 North Las Vegas Tower
119.3500 Nellis Control West (Restricted Areas, Lee Corridor, Beatty, Goldfield, Tonopah, Warm Springs, Reveille MOA, paired with 254.400)
119.4000 KLAS Final Approach 19,1,8 ("Satellite")
119.4500 TTR Base Ops, flt. Dispatch ("Ridge Line", published, paired with 233.950)
119.7750 KLAS Approach & Class B East
119.9000 KLAS Control Tower (RY 08-26)
120.2500 Joshua Control - Panamint MOA
120.2750 Salt Lake Center Ultra High - Sector 34
120.4500 KLAS Approach NE ("Keno")
120.5250 NTTR Fire Fighters (air, talking to Bird Dog)
120.6500 Local Traffic (tour helicopters, main)
120.7750 KHND ATIS
120.9000 Nellis AFB Clearance Delivery
121.1000 KLAS Ground Control (E OF 01R/19L)
121.1250 Creech AFB Automated Weather
121.2500 Oakland Center low - Sector 22

121.5000 International Aircraft Emergency (International Air Distress, IAD)

121.600 - 121.925 Air Traffic Control (was: airport ground control)

121.7000 North Las Vegas Ground
121.8000 Nellis AFB Ground Control
121.9000 KLAS Ground Control (W OF 01R/19L)
121.9500 Local Traffic (tour helicopters, secondary)

122.000 - 122.675 Flight Service Stations

122.0000 Enroute Flight Advisory Service (EFAS) ("Flightwatch"), weather advisories
122.1000 Flight Service Stations (FSS, VOR receive frequency)
122.2000 Flight Service Stations (Ely, NV)
122.4000 Flight Service Stations (Las Vegas, LAS)
122.5000 Flight Service Stations (Tonopah, TPH)
122.6000 Flight Service Stations (Mount Potosi RCO)

122.700 - 123.100 UNICOM & Multicom

122.7000 Boulder City UNICOM
122.8000 Desert Rock (Mercury) UNICOM
122.8250 UNICOM - Domestic VHF
122.9000 MULTICOM, Alamo Airport CTAF, S&R Training (Range 63 and 64 Tertiary, RCO "Fatness")
123.0000 Tonopah Airport UNICOM

123.125 - 123.575 Flight Test & UNICOM

123.2250 Dreamland Airspace, Groom/R-4806W Mission VHF ("Coffee Tree")
123.4250 UNICOM, Flight Test Enroute (Survey aircraft around NTTR)
123.4500 Flight test, air-air
123.4750 Nellis 64 AGRS (F-16)
123.5000 Aviation Support (Instructor, Glider, Hot Air Balloon)
123.5500 Nellis Range Controller "Blackjack" VHF (paired with 377.800)

123.600 - 128.800 Air Traffic Control Towers and ARTCC

123.8000 Oakland Center low - Sector 16
123.8250 KLAS Helicopter Control
123.9500 Joshua Control - Saline MOA
124.0000 North Las Vegas Clearance Delivery
124.2000 LA Center low - Sector 07 (NE)
124.4000 KLAS Ramp Control (A+B+C Gates and Charter)
124.5500 Joshua Control - Palmdale Plant 42
124.6250 LA Center low/high - Sector 16 (NW, Janets to TTR)
124.7500 Silverbow Tower (TTR, paired with 257.950)
124.8500 LA Center low - Sector 08
124.9500 Nellis AFB Approach/Departure East and Class B
125.0250 KLAS Approach & Class B West ("Granite")
125.1000 KHND Tower & CTAF
125.4750 KLAS Class B South
125.5750 Salt Lake Center high - Sector 44 (Cedar City)
125.6000 KLAS Approach SE & E ("Lake")
125.7000 North Las Vegas Tower
125.7250 LA Center high - Sector 38
125.7500 Oakland Center below FL300 - Sector 46 (Bishop, Janets to TTR)
125.9000 KLAS Departure South+West (Runways 19L/R and 26L/R)
126.1000 Joshua Control - Palmdale
126.1500 Dreamland MOA Control/Approach (R-4808, primary, paired with UHF: 261.100)
126.2000 26 WPS (MQ-1/MQ-9) (USAF Flight Advisory, Military Airport Towers)
126.3000 Nevada National Security Site, Mercury Approach
126.5500 Joshua Control - Owens MOA (R-2508)
126.6000 Dreamland Airspace, R-4807A: Blond Girl, MOA: Bluebird
126.6500 Nellis Control East (Desert MOA, Sally Corridor, paired with 317.525)
126.9500 Nellis Track (airspace controller for western 70's ranges, Hwy 95 corridor and AR-625 refueling ops during Red Flag missions, paired with 324.050)
127.1750 Oakland Center high - Sector 30 (Coaldale)
127.2500 TTR Ground Control
127.3500 LA Center high (FL340+) - Sector 36 (Cedar City, NE)
127.5000 Joshua Control - ATCAA (FL180+)
127.8000 KHND Ground
127.9000 KLAS Ramp Control (D+E Gates and Cargo)
127.9250 Salt Lake Center ultra high - Sector 33 (Wilson Creek)
128.0750 LA Center high - Sector 35
128.5500 Salt Lake Center low/high - Sector 40
128.7250 Salt Lake Center ultra high - Sector 42
128.8000 Oakland Center low - Sector 45

128.825 - 132.000 Enroute - airline company freqs

129.0250 Private airline
129.1000 Saint George, UT Airport FBO
129.6500 Private airline
130.0000 KLAS Ramp alternate frequency
130.3500 Northwest Airlines OPS
130.5250 Red Flag: Red Team enroute
130.6500 Air Mobility Command (AMC) Primary
130.7000 Northwest Airlines, Las Vegas Ops.
131.1500 Delta Airlines, Las Vegas Ops.
131.6000 Scenic Airlines, Boulder City Ops.
131.7750 America West Airlines ("Cactus"), Las Vegas Ops.

132.025 - 136.475 Air Traffic Control Towers and ARTCC

132.0500 Oakland Center high - Sector 33 (Tonopah)
132.2500 Salt Lake Center high - Sector 43
132.4000 KLAS ATIS Arrival/Departure
132.5500 Nellis AFB Tower
132.6250 LA Center high - Sector 34 (Las Vegas Area)
132.8000 Oakland Center high - Sector 15
132.9500 Oakland Center high - Sector 32
133.4500 Salt Lake Center high - Sector 47 (Tonopah, Janets to TTR)
133.5500 LA Center high - Sector 37 (Barstow, SW)
133.6000 Salt Lake Center low/high - Sector 46
133.6500 Joshua Control - Primary (R-2508)
133.9000 Salt Lake Center high - Sector 32
133.9500 KLAS Departure North + East (Runways 01L/R and RY 08L/R)
134.0500 Joshua Control - Isabella MOA
134.0750 Small private aircraft air-air
134.1000 Clover Control South - UTTR, Sevier MOA
134.3750 Oakland Center high - Sector 34
134.4500 Oakland Center high - Sector 43
134.5250 Salt Lake Center low/high - Sector 45 (Wilson Creek)
134.6500 LA Center low - Sector 06 (Barstow, SW)
135.0000 KLAS Final Approach 26,1,8 ("Final")
135.1000 Nellis AFB Approach/Departure West
135.2500 LA Center high - Sector 33 (Cedar City) (NE)
135.3500 KHND Clearance Delivery
135.5500 LA Center ultra high - Sector 32
135.7750 Salt Lake Center high - Sector 4
135.8500 FAA reserved for nav aid test flight

136.500 - 136.875 Enroute - Domestic VHF

136.5000 Private airline (air side)

136.900 - 136.975 Enroute - Domestic & International VHF

138.000 - 144.000 Military Land Band (mixed AM/FM)

138.0125 >AM< 422 TES (A-10)
138.1000 >AM< Green Flag (549 CTS) Ops
138.1250 Data Carrier, Cedar Peak area
138.1500 Desert Rock Airstrip (NTS) / Range Control R-4806 / HARM Secondary
138.1750 >AM< 16 WPS (F-16)
138.2250 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), base
138.2500 >AM< 16 WPS (F-16)
138.3000 >AM< Search and Rescue, Planes
138.3750 >AM< 66 WPS (A-10)
138.5000 >AM< MAFEX Check-In, Kingfish India VHF 2
138.5750 >AM< FAA nav aid test flight
138.6000 >AM< Air Exercise, crypto check-in ("Dragnet", "Uniform")
138.6750 >AM< Red Flag Ops, air-air
138.7500 >AM< Red Flag Freq. "ORANGE 2"
138.7750 >AM< Red Flag Freq. "YELLOW 2" (bombing exercise)
138.9000 >AM< Bird Dog (NNSS air space control)
138.9500 >AM< 26 WPS (MQ-9), Red Flag Freq. "YELLOW 4"
139.1250 >AM< 16 WPS (F-16)
139.2000 >AM< Red team, air-air
139.3000 >AM< Nellis AFB, Pilot to Dispatcher
139.4000 >AM< 66 WPS (A-10), 66 RQS (HH-60)
139.4250 >AM< Groom Mission (Groundhog)
139.5500 >AM< 16 WPS (F-16)
139.5750 >AM< Green Flag (549 CTS)
139.6000 >AM< 422 TES (F-16), MAFEX Check-In, Kingfish India VHF 1
139.7500 >AM< 64 AGRS (F-16, air-air) ("Baron")
139.8000 >AM< Thunderbirds Air Show
139.8000 >AM< Red Flag Freq. "ORANGE 3"
139.8500 >AM< 64 AGRS (F-16, air-air)
139.9500 >AM< Green Flag (549 CTS)
140.1000 >AM< Green Flag (549 CTS)
140.1500 >AM< 16 WPS (F-16, air-air)
140.1750 >AM< 433 WPS (F-22) Support
140.2250 >AM< Green Flag (549 CTS)
140.2750 >AM< 66 WPS (A-10)
140.3250 >AM< 17 WPS (F-15E) Support
140.3750 >AM< Red Flag, 66 RQS (HH-60)
140.4000 >AM< 433 WPS (F-22) Support
140.4500 >AM< 422 TES (F-15E) Support
140.5750 >AM< Red Flag: RF 17-3: DGAR
140.6250 >AM< Air Exercise "Raptor"
140.7000 >AM< 433 WPS (F-22) Support
140.8000 >AM< Red Flag: RF 17-3: DGAR
140.8250 >AM< 422 TES (F-22A)
140.9250 >AM< Red Flag: RF 17-3: DGAR
140.9500 >AM< 422 TES (F-16)
140.9750 >AM< 66 WPS (A-10) Support
141.0000 >AM< Red Flag SEAD
141.0250 >AM< 422 TES (F-22A)
141.0500 >AM< Green Flag (549 CTS)
141.0750 >AM< Red Flag: RF 17-3: DGAR
141.1500 >AM< Red Flag Freq. "ORANGE 4" / CSAR Secondary
141.1750 >AM< Thunderbirds Air Show secondary (VHF Ops, take-off, landing)
141.1750 Edwards AFB, range control
141.3750 >AM< Red Flag: RF 17-3: DGAR
141.4000 >AM< Green Flag (549 CTS)
141.4750 >AM< Red Flag: RF 17-3: DGAR (White)
141.5000 >AM< Red Flag air-air
141.5750 >AM< Red Flag: RF 17-3: DZ/LZ 1+2
141.6000 >AM< Weapons School
141.6250 >AM< 16 WPS (F-16), 66 RQS (HH-60)
141.6500 >AM< 422 TES (F-15C) Support
141.6750 >AM< 64 AGRS (F-16)
141.7000 >AM< Restricted Area R-4806 Control
141.7750 >AM< 34 WPS (HH-60)
141.8250 >AM< Red Flag: RF 17-3: DGAR
141.9250 >AM< 422 TES (F-15E) Support
141.9500 >AM< 422 TES (F-22A)
142.1500 USAF MARS (Military Affiliate Radio System), Emergency/disaster preparedness, repeater input PL 100.0
142.2500 USAF MARS Simplex
142.2750 USAF MARS Secondary Repeater Input
142.3250 >AM< Red Flag: RF 17-3: DGAR
142.5250 >AM< Red Flag, CSAR Primary
142.5500 >AM< Red Flag, 66 RQS (HH-60)
142.7500 >AM< Supervisor of Flying (SOF) 57 FW-Bullseye Control
143.0000 >AM< Supervisor of Flying (SOF) 57 FW-Bullseye Control (prim.) (UHF on 305.600 MHz)
143.2500 >AM< 461st FLTS, Edwards AFB, R-2508
143.3750 >AM< 66 WPS (A-10)
143.4500 USAF MARS (Military Affiliate Radio System), Emergency/disaster preparedness, repeater output, PL 100.0
143.5250 >AM< Red Flag, Red Team air-air (aux)
143.6000 >AM< 422 TES (A-10)
143.7500 >AM< Red Flag, CAS ADMIN
143.7750 USAF MARS Secondary Repeater Output
143.8250 >AM< 64 AGRS (F-16)

148.000 - 174.000 High Band (mixed AM/FM)

148.000 - 150.800 High Band, Military (mixed AM/FM)

148.1000 Exercise controller "Roulette" for ground threads (SAM sites etc.)
148.1750 >AM< Creech AFB SOF
148.2000 Exercise controller "Roulette" for ground threads (SAMs etc.)
148.2000 >AM< Controller (AWACS?) during Air Exercise
148.2500 >AM< 66 RQS (HH-60)
148.5000 Nellis Range Controller "Blackjack" (frequency "Fox 4", repeater output), contractors etc.
148.6000 >AM< Weapons School blue team air-air
148.7500 >AM< Air Exercise, Nellis WS
148.8000 >AM< Air Exercise, Nellis WS
148.8500 >AM< 66 WPS (A-10) Support
148.8750 >AM< Air Exercise, Nellis WS
149.1000 >AM< Red Flag: RF 17-3: DGAR
149.1250 >AM< 422 TES (A-10)
149.3250 >AM< Dreamland Airspace, R-4807A VHF
149.4000 >AM< Red Flag: RF 17-3: SAO/DGAR
149.5250 >AM< 64 AGRS (F-16, air-air, “aux”)
149.6500 >AM< Red Flag: RF 17-3: 22 ARW, KC-135
149.6750 >AM< Range 74 Air-Air, Aux
149.8750 >AM< 26 WPS (MQ-9)
150.1750 Nellis Range Controller "Blackjack" (frequency "Fox 4", repeater input), contractors etc.
150.2000 Back Gate radar
150.5000 >AM< 422 TES (F-22A)
150.6750 >AM< Red Flag, 66 RQS (HH-60)

150.800 - 161.575 High Band, Civilian (FM)

150.9950 Lincoln County Road Department
151.0400 Cops / Highway patrol, Las Vegas area
151.0550 Rural Cops/Fire Dispatch repeater output
151.1600 Nevada Department of Wildlife repeater output, various locations
151.3100 NHP, Alamo repeater output
151.3400 Nevada State Parks repeater output, Highland Peak and other locations
151.3550 Nevada DOT Repeater output, Highland Peak
151.4750 Nevada Department of Wildlife repeater output, Highland Peak and other locations
153.8450 Firefighters / paramedics (LN County 1 Repeater output, input: 154.9950)
153.9200 Alamo Fire Protection District (Repeater output, input: 155.7450)
153.9950 Clark County Animal Control
154.0100 NHP, Alamo repeater input
154.0550 NHP, Alamo repeater output
154.0700 Lincoln County Sheriff Ch.1 (APCO-P25 data, repeater input, output: 155.2050)
154.2350 Nye County Sheriff, record checks, Warm Springs repeater output
154.6800 NHP, Alamo repeater output (same as 154.905 MHz, CTCSS 151.4 Hz)
154.7400 NHP, Alamo repeater output (CTCSS 151.4 Hz & 162.2 Hz)
154.7700 Local Law Enforcement Mutual Aid
154.7850 NHP Tonopah
154.8000 Rural Cops, Boulder City Repeater (CTCSS 173.8 Hz)
154.8300 Nye County Sheriff, Tonopah
154.8600 Lincoln County Sheriff Ch.2 (voice, repeater output, input: 155.5350)
                Mt.Irish: 100.0Hz and 94.8Hz
                Bald Mountain: 123.0Hz
                Highland Peak: 94.8Hz and 100.0Hz
                Mount Ella: 94.8Hz
                Alamo: 186.2 Hz (?)
154.8825 NHP, Warm Springs repeater output (CTCSS 151.4 Hz)
154.9050 NHP, Highland Peak repeater output (same as 154.680 MHz, CTCSS 151.4 Hz)
154.9875 NHP Tonopah
154.9950 Firefighters / paramedics (LN County 1 Repeater input, output: 153.8450)
155.0100 Nye County Sheriff, Tonopah (Medics tone 127.3, Cops tone 110.9, Record checks tone 167.9)
155.0325 NHP, Warm Springs repeater output (CTCSS 151.4 Hz & 162.2 Hz)
155.1300 NHP, Highland Peak repeater output (CTCSS 151.4 Hz)
155.1450 NHP, Alamo repeater input
155.1600 Search and rescue mutual aid (LN County 3)
155.2050 Lincoln County Sheriff Ch.1 (APCO-P25 data, repeater output, input: 154.0700)
155.3550 NHP, Alamo repeater input
155.4300 Nye County Sheriffs Repeater, Tonopah
155.4750 Federal Law Enforcement, mutual aid
155.5350 Lincoln County Sheriff Ch.2 (voice, repeater input, output: 154.8600)
155.6250 Rural Cops Dispatch (Repeater Output, Warm Springs: tone 179.9 Hz, Glendale, St. George: 203.5 Hz)
155.6500 Back Gate radar
155.6550 Nevada Law Enforcement, statewide mutual aid
155.6850 Las Vegas Park Rangers / Parking Enforcement
155.7000 NHP, Alamo repeater output (CTCSS 151.4 Hz)
155.7450 Alamo Fire Protection District (Repeater input, output: 153.9200)
155.7900 Nye County Sheriff, Amargosa Valley Jct (CTCSS 136.5 Hz)
158.7450 Cops, Las Vegas, northeast patrol: downtown and northeast
158.7900 Cops, Las Vegas, administration, detectives, crime scenes
158.8200 NHP, Warm Springs repeater input (DCS 115?)
158.8350 NHP, Alamo and Highland Peak repeater input (tone 114.8Hz and DCS 315)
158.8500 LVPD Glendale repeater (CTCSS 173.8 Hz)
158.9250 NHP, Warm Springs repeater input (DCS 115 & CTCSS 162.2 Hz)
158.9400 NHP, Highland Peak repeater input
158.9700 NHP, Alamo repeater input (DCS 315 & CTCSS 162.2 Hz)
158.9850 Lincoln County Road Department
159.0300 NHP, Alamo repeater input
159.1500 NHP, Alamo repeater output
159.4200 NHP, Alamo and Warm Springs repeater output (digital)

161.5750 - 163.0375 High Band Maritime / Weather (FM)

162.4750 NOAA Weather info (from Utah)
162.5500 NOAA Weather info (from Las Vegas)

163.0375 - 174.0000 High band, Military/Government (FM)

163.8000 USGS Seismic Sensor near Queen City Summit
165.9000 Back Gate radar
166.3750 Ely Fire Dispatch repeater out, Mt. Wilson (south, 123.0Hz) & Ella Mountain (110.9Hz)
168.4375 NTS Operations, repeater output
170.0250 Fire Weather (Twice daily, White Pine and Lincoln County)
170.5250 NTTR Fire Fighters, interagency, ground
171.2200 University of Nevada seismic sensor, Warm Springs Radio Site
171.7250 Tonopah Base Station, Booker Mountain (Nevada Interagency Fire Management)

174.000 - 216.000 TV Broadcasting

180.4000 Back Gate radar

216.000 - 220.000 Mixed Government Use Band (FM)

216.7250 >FM< Nellis Air Show: Narration and Show Music
216.9750 >FM< Nellis Air Show: Cockpit voice mix

225.000 - 399.900 Military Air Band (AM)

225.000 - 328.600 Voice (AM)

225.3000 VX-9 air-air
225.3250 Red Flag AMC
225.3500 Red Flag AWACS
225.4500 Range 65 Operations
225.5500 Range 74 exercise controller / ops
225.5750 AWACS check-in "Mojo", (Weapons School)
225.8000 Dreamland Airspace, AAR Boom
226.1000 Creech AFB SOF
226.2250 Air Exercise
226.4500 Red Flag air-air
226.8750 Red Flag air-air
227.0500 Red Flag AWACS "Goliath" to Red Flag Ops "Galley?" (01/13)
228.0000 Range 74 Operations
228.2000 Red Flag Freq. "BEIGE 24" (Talked about drops)
228.2750 Red Flag Ops
228.4500 Nellis AFB "Mobile Ops" (tanker Ops)
228.5000 Aerial refueling / Air Exercise
228.8000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
228.9500 Dreamland Airspace, AAR Control (Bluebird) / MOA Check-in (Jedi)
229.0000 Nellis 16 WPS (F-16, F-35) Ops/MX
229.2500 Red Flag FAC east, bombing ops
229.7000 Red Flag air-air
230.0250 26 WPS (MQ-9)
231.1000 Red Flag Joint Interface Control Officer (JICO) "Juice" (Data link and comms controller)
231.7500 Red Flag air-air
233.4500 Red Flag AWACS Check-In, secondary
233.5250 USAF Flight Test Support (R-2508)
233.6000 34 WPS (HH-60)
233.9500 TTR Base Ops, flt. Dispatch (published, paired with 119.450)
234.2500 Range 62 Operations
234.3250 Coyote MOA Range Control Primary
234.8000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
234.9000 Nellis AFB Squadron Common / Nellis Red Flag Ops
234.9750 Red Flag air-air
235.2000 Weapons School, Aerial Refueling
235.2500 Thunderbirds Air Show (UHF, Solos, Control)
235.4000 NASA air to ground
235.7500 Creech AFB SOF
235.9500 Red Flag air-air
236.0000 Red Flag, 66 RQS (HH-60) Ops, SAR-B (Freq. "White 2")
236.1000 Bat Ops (422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron, Nellis)
236.5000 Dreamland Airspace, EC South Mission (Blond Girl)
236.6000 VX-9 exercise, common
236.8500 Slow movers enroute air-air
236.9500 Darkstar air exercise controller
237.0500 Red Flag AWACS / Command & Control
237.1250 Red Flag air-air
237.3000 Red Flag Ops
237.6000 Red Flag AWACS/Ops
237.6250 Air exercise Air-Air
238.3250 Air exercise Mission (Orange 12, Paired with Ops Freq.395.150)
238.6500 Red Flag FAC east, bombing ops (Freq. "White 3")
238.6750 Red Flag Blue Air Ops
238.7000 Nellis Range Controller
238.8000 Alamo MOA Range Control (R-4806E, "Long Shot")
238.9500 Dreamland Airspace, R4807A, Groom Single freq. Mission
238.8750 Red Flag SEAD air-air
239.3750 Red Flag Red Team AWACS / Control
239.4000 Red Flag Ops
239.6000 Red Flag air-air
239.7000 34 WPS (HH-60)
239.8000 PMSV Metro Weather
239.8500 Dreamland Mission (ECR, F-117s)
239.8750 Red Flag, Red Team air-air
240.1000 Dreamland Airspace, MOA, AAR Boom
240.1750 Red Flag Blue Team tactical
240.3000 Aggressor secondary control
241.0000 Army National Guard
242.2000 US Air Force Air Combat Command (ACC)
243.0000 International Aircraft Emergency (Military Air Distress, MAD)
243.3000 Air-Air, Range 64
244.3000 Red Flag air-air
245.1500 Red Flag air-air
245.6500 Red Flag, 66 RQS (HH-60)
246.9000 Nationwide air-air, enroute
248.6000 Red Flag air-air
249.7750 Air exercise, air-air R-2508
249.8000 422 TES (as of 08/23 mixed digital/analog)
250.5750 422 TES
250.8500 422 TES Air-Air
251.2000 Green Flag (549 CTS) Ops
251.3500 Edwards AFB, 411 FLTS Raptor Ops Primary
251.9000 Red Flag, 66 RQS (HH-60) Ops, SAR-A (Freq. "Red 20")
252.1000 64 AGRS (F-16) Ops (MIG Ops, "Red Team")
252.2000 voice AM, air exercise
252.5250 Red Flag air-air
252.5500 Red Flag: RF 17-3: VAQ-134, EA-6B
252.8000 66 RQS (HH-60)
253.2000 422 TES (as of 08/23 mixed digital/analog)
253.7000 Red Flag Freq. "RED 3" (used fur Red Flag orientation flight)
254.3000 KLAS Ground Control (W OF RY 01L/19R)
254.4000 Nellis Control West (Restricted Areas, Lee Corridor, Beatty, Goldfield, Tonopah, Warm Springs, Reveille MOA, paired with 119.350)
254.4750 Red Flag Freq. "RED 4"
254.9000 Area 51 Northern Range Controller "Unclog" (calibration ball drops from Groom chopper)
255.1250 Military aircraft enroute, Air-to-Air
255.3000 66 WPS (A-10)
255.4000 Nellis AFB UNICOM
255.5000 Dreamland Airspace, EC South, Mission backup
255.6000 Dreamland Airspace, North of Reveille, Mission backup
255.7000 Red Flag AWACS "Darkstar"
255.7250 422 TES
255.8000 Dreamland Mission Prime
255.9500 Northern Ranges MOA / NTTR Spare Secondary
256.1500 Air exercise, air strike
256.2500 Air Exercise Air-Air
256.8000 Joshua Control - Saline MOA (R-2508)
257.0000 Dreamland Airspace, AAR Prime (Reveille MOA)
257.0750 Edwards AFB, 418 FLTS Herk Ops Tertiary
257.1000 17 WPS (F-15E) ("Orange 39")
257.3500 AMC Command post (Red Flag deployment and control)
257.6750 LA Center high - Sector 33
257.7000 Salt Lake Center high - Sector 4
257.8000 KLAS Control Tower
257.8500 Oakland Center high - Sector 32
257.9500 Silverbow Tower (TTR, paired with 124.750)
258.1500 Air exercise air-air
258.2000 Enroute air-air
258.6750 26 WPS (MQ-9)
259.0000 Red Flag, 66 RQS (HH-60) Ops
259.4000 Nellis Range Control Center "Bulls Eye"
259.4500 Coyote MOA aux. freq
259.8000 Red Flag: RF 17-3: VAQ-134, EA-6B
259.9500 AMC Command post (Red Flag deployment) (Freq. "RED 5")
260.1000 433 WPS (F-22)
260.2500 Red Flag Comms.
261.1000 Dreamland MOA Control/Approach (R-4808, primary, paired with VHF: 126.150) (published)
261.3750 Red Flag: RF 17-3: VAQ-134, EA-6B
262.6250 Red Flag air-air
262.6500 433 WPS (F-22)
262.7000 Air Ex.: Mission control/ops/check-in/out for joint Nellis-Fallon ex. 10/16
262.7500 64 AGRS (F-16)
263.6000 Desert Range Control
264.2250 R-2508, F-117 "Knights" dogfighting
264.8500 Weapons School
265.1750 422 TES air-air
265.5000 Area 51 Approach/Departure North/Choppers (Rainbow)
265.7000 Weapons School
265.9750 Red Flag: RF 17-3: VAQ-134, EA-6B
266.0000 Red Flag Freq. "BLUE 4" (OCA, AWACS)
266.1000 422 TES air-air prime
266.6000 433 WPS (F-22)
267.1000 Red Flag: RF 17-3: VAQ-134, EA-6B, active
267.1500 Red Flag: RF 17-3: VMFA-211, F-35B
267.4750 Red Flag: RF 17-3: VMFA-211, F-35B
267.5250 Red Flag Air Drop Ops
267.6000 Red Flag AWACS "Chalice"
268.0000 Range 63 and 64 Operations (RCO "Fatness")
268.2000 Elgin MOA Range Control Secondary ("Barnyard")
268.3000 USMC air-air (VMFT-401, MCAS Yuma, AZ)
268.5000 Air Exercise Operations
268.8000 Range Training Officer (RTO) "Showtime", R-2508 airspace
268.9500 Weapons School, weapons drops (Range 75)
269.0000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
269.1750 Salt Lake Center low/high - Sector 40
269.2500 Salt Lake Center low/high - Sector 46
269.2750 Salt Lake Center Ultra High - Sector 34
269.3000 Oakland Center high - Sector 43
269.4000 Red Team tankers air-air (NW of Goldfield)
269.8500 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 55FS, F-16
270.0250 Red Flag MiG Ops (Red Team)
270.1000 Nellis AFB ATIS ("Automatic Terminal Information Service")
270.7250 Red Flag Strike (SEAD) (Freq. "BEIGE 14")
270.8000 KLAS Ground Control (E OF RY 01R/19L)
271.0000 Exercise air-air (NORAD Midwest "Goliath")
271.5500 Air Exercise, Air-Air (R-2508)
271.6000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
272.1750 Aerial Refueling Operations (AR-641, Boom)
273.4500 Oakland Center high - Sector 33 (Tonopah)
273.5500 Nellis AFB Approach/Departure East and Class B
274.8750 Range 63 & 64 Operations Secondary (RCO "Fatness")
275.8000 Nellis AFB Ground Control (and Creech AFB)
275.8500 Dreamland Airspace, EC South, Mission prime (Blond Girl)
275.9000 422 TES air-air aux
276.0500 Red Flag Air-Ground Strike
276.3500 Air Exercise Ops/Air-Air
276.4000 Aerial Refueling Operations (AR-625h)
276.8500 Red Flag Freq. "RED 7"
277.1000 Air Exercise Air-Air
277.5000 Red Flag: RF 17-3: VMFA-211, F-35B, somewhat active
277.6250 Red Flag AWACS "Darkstar", west, second. (Freq. "Magenta 12")
277.8000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical, "Airboss"
278.2000 Nellis Tactical ("Barnyard" range control)
278.4000 422 TES (F-15E)
278.4250 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 393 BS, B-2
278.7000 Air Exercise Air-Air
278.9750 VX-9 mission (R-2508 and NTTR)
279.6000 LA Center high - Sector 37
280.3500 Air Exercise, air drop/strike
281.0250 Elgin MOA Range Control Primary ("Barnyard")
281.2500 422 TES (air-air, common)
281.5000 Oakland Center high - Sector 34
281.7250 Weapons School Air-Air
281.7500 Air Exercise, AWACS
282.2000 KLAS Approach & Class B East (when active simulcast with 125.600)
282.5000 US Air Force Air Combat Command (ACC)
282.6000 Air-ground/Ops (NORAD Midwest "Goliath")
282.8000 414th Combat Training Squadron, International Search & Rescue
283.0000 Squadron Command Post
283.7500 MAFEX Check-In, Kingfish India UHF 1
283.8000 64 AGRS (F-16) (MiG Ops)
283.9250 Red Flag: RF 17-3: VMFA-211, F-35B, active
284.0000 Air exercise (5/2010) (White 6)
284.2250 Red Flag: RF 17-3: VMFA-211, F-35B, very active
284.4250 Air strike practice
284.5500 64 AGRS (F-16)
284.6500 Oakland Center below FL300 - Sector 46 (Bishop, Mina, Tonopah area)
285.1500 Air exercise, targeting ops
285.3250 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 95FS, F-22, active
285.5000 Oakland Center low - Sector 45
285.5250 Creech AFB SFA
285.6500 Air drop/air strike ops (Weapons School)
285.7500 Enroute air-air
287.4500 Red Flag AWACS timing signal
287.6000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
288.2250 Range 71-76 Operations Secondary
288.5500 Red Flag air-air, British guest players RF 24-1
288.6000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
288.6500 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 95FS, F-22
288.8000 Range 64 Operations (RCO "Fatness")
289.1750 MAFEX Check-In, Kingfish India UHF 2
289.3000 Caliente MOA Range Control Primary (White 12)
289.4000 Nellis AFB Clearance Delivery
289.6000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
289.7000 Aerial Refueling Operations (AR-624)
290.3000 Joshua Control - Palmdale
290.6000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
290.8000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical (MIGs)
291.6000 Joshua Control - Panamint MOA (R-2508)
291.7250 Nellis AFB Approach/Departure (published, NW, paired with 118.1250)
291.8500 Red Flag DCA
291.9000 Aerial Refueling Operations (AR-625L)
291.9750 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 95FS, F-22, somewhat active
292.0000 German Tornados during Red Flag 07-3
292.1000 17 WPS (F-15E)
292.2000 Range 61 Operations, TOSS Scoring, south
292.4500 Red Flag (Bandsaw, Cylon, active 02/09, RF 17-3: 16 AACS)
292.9000 Air exercise air-air, air-ground strikes
293.5000 Range 77 Operations Primary, ECE, ECW, TPECR
293.8750 422 TES Air-Air
293.9000 Red Flag: RF 17-3: VP1, P-3C
294.7250 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 79 RQS, HC-130J
294.7750 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 95FS, F-22, very active
294.9000 Caliente MOA Range Control Secondary ("Barnyard")
295.4000 Aerial Refueling Operations (AR-641, Boom)
295.8000 Aerial Refueling Operations (AR-625h)
296.1000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
296.7000 Oakland Center Tactical/Special Use (aircraft above 60,000 ft.)
296.9000 Red Team AAR Boom
297.0000 Air Mobility Command (AMC)
297.7000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
297.7500 Dreamland Airspace, Mission (Blond Girl)
297.9000 Laser guided weapons drop exercise in 70's ranges
298.2000 422 TES ("Bolt" in R-2508)
298.3000 AAR (AR-625, north of R-2508)
299.1500 Dreamland Airspace, R-4806W, Groom Mission prime (Gearbox)
299.2000 LA Center ultra high - Sector 32
300.0500 Have Quick
300.3250 Air exercise Ops 17 WPS (F-15E)
300.5500 Slow movers enroute air-air
302.3000 Desert Radio (Bike Lake Advisory)
303.0000 Aerial Refueling Operations
303.0250 Groom Mission (R-4808A)
303.1000 Air Exercise/Red Flag: AWACS Tasking primary ("Disco Ops", Purple 20) (controller calls next maneuvers/positions to planes)
303.6000 Air Ex.: Primary control ("C2 common") for joint Nellis-Fallon exercise 10/16
304.6000 Range 61 Ops (Orange 18)(Blackbird, Darkstar, Raven 27)
304.8000 USAF Hurricane Hunters
305.4500 Dreamland Airspace, Reveille MOA, AAR Prime (Bluebird)
305.5000 EC East & EC West air controller (AWACS?) "Red Hook"
305.6000 Supervisor of Flying (SOF) 57 FW-Bullseye Control (VHF on 143.000 MHz)
305.6500 422 TES (F-22A, as of 09/23 mixed digital/analog)
306.0750 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 55FS, F-16
306.5000 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 867 RS, MQ-9
307.2500 KLAS Departure South+West (Runways 19L/R and 26L/R); Class B South
308.0000 Red Flag Freq. "RED 9"
308.1250 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 41 RQS, HH-60
308.5000 Red Flag: RF 17-3: LZ2
308.5500 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 55FS, F-16
308.6000 Red Flag AWACS "Chalice" ("White 8", primary check-in)
309.5000 Red Flag tactical "Blue 7"
309.7750 MiGs talking to Range Training Officer (RTO) "Showtime" during air exercise
309.8000 Vampires air-air (F/A-18 and F-35C of VX-9, China Lake)
310.5500 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 965 AACS, E-3
310.7000 Dreamland Airspace, Groom/R-4806W Mission UHF
311.2250 Air Exercise / Targeting Ops
313.9000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
314.0750 Air Exercise, Weapons School
314.3000 Fallon or Wendover Range (not NTTR)
314.3500 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 55FS, F-16
314.4000 66 RQS (HH-60)
314.6000 Dreamland MOA Mission
315.2000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
315.8000 422 TES (F-15C)
315.8500 Air exercise, AWACS ops
316.2000 Red Flag exercise ("Chalice")
317.4000 LA Center high - Sector 53
317.5250 Nellis Control East (Desert MOA, Sally Corridor, paired with 126.650)
317.6250 Salt Lake Center high - Sector 47 (Wilson Creek)
317.9000 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 965 AACS, E-3
318.0000 422 TES (F-15C)
318.4000 Red Flag AWACS "Bandsaw", Sally Corridor
318.5000 Air Exercise AWACS (as of 08/23 mixed digital/analog)
318.9000 Red Flag, 66 RQS (HH-60)
319.1000 Oakland Center high - Sector 15
319.2000 LA Center low - Sector 08
319.3000 Fighter Weapons School
319.5000 Aerial Refueling Operations (secondary all routes)
319.7000 Range 65 Operations
320.0000 Nellis AFB ACC Command Post (Have Quick timing available)
320.1000 Range 62 Operations
320.8000 Comms between Red Flag AWACS aircraft (Establish link in the "Red" (clear) then go "Green" (encrypted data bursts))
321.1000 Nellis SFA and in-flight emergency
321.3000 Albuquerque Center Tactical/Special Use (aircraft above 60,000 ft.)
321.6000 Nellis Tactical
322.2500 433 WPS (F-22)
322.3000 Joshua Control - Owens MOA (R-2508)
322.3500 Air Ex.: Range Control (entry/exit) for joint Nellis-Fallon exercise 10/16
322.7000 TTR "Hawk Ops" (F-117A)
322.9500 Thunderbirds Air Show (UHF, Solo #5 and 6)
323.1750 Oakland Center high - Sector 30 (Coaldale)
323.2000 LA Center high - Sector 35 (AR-624)
323.3500 422 TES (F-15E)
323.7500 Range 75/76, bomb drop exercise
323.8250 Red Flag Ops
323.8500 433 WPS (F-22) Ops
323.9000 Nellis Metro Weather (PMSV)
324.0500 Nellis Track (airspace controller for western 70's ranges, Hwy 95 corridor and AR-625 refueling ops during Red Flag missions, paired with 126.950)
324.0500 Nellis Approach/Departure after Red Flag mission, in that case not paired with 126.950
324.4000 Nellis Range Training Officer (RTO) "Showtime"
324.7000 AWACS Ops
324.8500 422 TES (A-10)
325.5000 USAF AWACS "Chalice", 963rd AACS
326.1250 422 TES/31 TES (F-35A, "Bolt") air-air
326.2000 Nellis AFB Single Frequency Approach ("Charlie")
326.4000 Red Flag AWACS
326.5250 VX-9 exercise
326.7750 17 WPS (F-15E)
326.8000 Keno Airfield UNICOM
327.0000 Nellis AFB Control Tower
327.0000 Oakland Center low - Sector 22
327.0500 Salt Lake Center low/high - Sector 45 (Wilson Creek)
327.2000 Red Flag Airborne FAC (Forward Air Controller)
327.3000 Red Flag Ops, discrete
327.6000 Red Flag: RF 17-3: High Value Airborne Asset (Primary)
327.7750 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 41/43 ECS, EC-130H, Electronic Warfare (EW)
328.3000 Air Ex.: Secondary control/ops for joint Nellis-Fallon exercise 10/16
328.4250 Dreamland Airspace, Caliente MOA, Mission (Blond Girl, Coffee Tree)
328.5000 Nellis Adversary Ops
328.5500 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 41/43 ECS, EC-130H

328.600 - 335.400 Aeronautical Radionavigation (AM)

332.7250 Data
334.2250 Data

335.400 - 399.900 Voice (AM)

335.4500 Range 71 Operations Primary
335.5000 TTR Ground Control
335.6000 Joshua Control - Isabella MOA (R-2508)
335.900 01/24: Red Flag air-air
336.1000 Aerial Refueling
336.5750 Air Exercise Ops
337.0000 Range 64 operations
337.5000 Dreamland Airspace, TPECR/EW Range, AAR Prime (Bluebird)
338.3500 Salt Lake Center high - Sector 43
338.4000 Red Flag AWACS "Goliath"
340.2000 Nellis Command Post "Raymond 23"
340.6000 Air drops, air-air, Chicken/Mellan/Keno DZ
340.9000 Air Exercise Ops, Tonopah area
341.2000 USSTRATCOM Air to Air
341.4500 Dreamland Airspace, MOA/R4806W, Groom Mission Prime (Groundhog, Grizzly)
341.9250 Range 61 Operations
342.1000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
342.2000 422 TES (A-10) Support
342.4500 Red Flag Ops (SAM 1)
342.6000 Air Ex.: Tactical freq. for joint Nellis-Fallon exercise 10/16
342.9000 AMC secondary
343.0000 Reveille/Desert MOA (Sally Sector) (RF 17-3: active)
343.2000 Air Exercise Operations
343.3000 Red Flag AWACS "Darkstar", Strike
343.5250 Range 65A strike, air-air
343.6000 LA Center low - Sector 07 (Cedar City, NE)
343.7250 Nellis AFB Single Frequency Approach ("Alpha")
344.6000 Nellis Metro Weather (PMSV)
344.7000 Aerial Refueling Operations
344.8000 Range 71/EC West Operations (bombing exercise)
345.4000 voice, AM
346.1000 Nellis Ops / Dispatch
346.3000 LA Center high (FL340+) - Sector 36
346.4500 China Lake Ops/Dispatch
347.4000 USAF AWACS "Bandsaw", 964th AACS
348.7000 Joshua Control - Primary (R-2508)
348.7250 Salt Lake Center ultra high - Sector 33 (east)
349.1000 Nellis 16 WPS (F-16, F-35) Support
349.2000 Red Flag AWACS (Freq. "BLUE 11")
349.4000 US Air Force Control Towers
349.5000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
349.6000 Red Flag AWACS, Strike
349.7000 Dreamland Airspace, MOA, Mission (Bluebird, Blond Girl)
349.8750 Weapons School, Instructor to student pilots
349.9750 Red Flag: RF 17-3: High Value Airborne Asset (AWACS Secondary)
351.9000 LA Center high - Sector 38
352.0000 Salt Lake Center ultra high - Sector 42
352.0500 LA Center high - Sector 34 (Las Vegas Area)
352.6000 Aerial Refueling Operations (AR-635)
353.7000 KLAS Departure North + East (Runways 01L/R and RY 08L/R)
353.8000 Oakland Center low - Sector 16
354.3000 Range 76 Operations
355.1000 26 WPS (MQ-9) Support
357.0000 Air Exercise R-2508
357.1000 Northern Ranges MOA / NTTR Spare Primary
357.5000 Dreamland Airspace, MOA/R4806W, Groom Mission Backup (Groundhog, Grizzly)
360.2000 USN Control Towers
360.2500 Nellis 16 WPS (F-16, F-35) Support
360.6250 Creech AFB Tower (paired with 118.300)
360.6500 LA Center low - Sector 06
360.7500 North Las Vegas Tower
361.5000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical ("Cobra Ops")
361.6000 Range 63 Operations Primary ("Darkstar", RCO "Fatness")
363.0000 Joshua Control - Palmdale Plant 42
363.4000 Air Exercise (Southern 60's ranges)
363.5000 Clover Control South - UTTR, Sevier MOA
363.9000 Range 75 Operations / LA Center Tactical/Special Use (aircraft above 60,000 ft.)
364.0000 Caliente MOA
364.8000 Salt Lake Center Tactical/Special Use (aircraft above 60,000 ft.)
366.1500 Green Flag (549 CTS)
369.0000 Have Quick Time of Day (TOD)
369.1500 Range 75/76, bomb drop exercise
369.4000 422 TES (F-16)
369.8225-369.9000 Digital signals
369.9000 LA Center for aircraft above 60,000 ft. (primary)
370.8250 Coyote MOA Range Control Secondary ("Chalice")
370.8500 Salt Lake Center high - Sector 32
371.0500 422 TES (F-16)
371.2000 Dreamland Airspace, R-4806W, Groom Mission (Coffee Tree)
371.5000 RPA (RCA?) Common (Exercise in 60's ranges)
371.6000 ECE, ECW, ECS, Tolicha Pk
371.6750 Air exercise controller "Hammer", Keno airfield
372.1500 Red Flag Freq. "BEIGE 30"
372.2000 Nellis/Creech AFB Base Ops, Pilot to Dispatcher
373.4000 Air Exercise, Air-Air
373.5500 422 TES (F-16)
375.2000 PMSV Metro Weather
375.7000 USSTRATCOM Air Refueling Anchor
375.8000 Dreamland Airspace, R-4807A/EW Range, Mission Prime (Blond Girl)
376.0750 VX-9 "Vampires", (F-35C & F/A-18E/F, VX9 TAC 3)
376.1000 Range 71-76 Ops (Air drops/strike, targeting ops)
376.1500 Nellis 16 WPS (F-16, F-35) Support
376.2000 US Air Force Air Combat Command (ACC)
376.5000 Red Flag AWACS Ops
377.1000 LA Center low/high - Sector 16 (Las Vegas area)
377.1750 Nellis AFB SFA
377.2500 Dreamland Airspace, R-4807A/EW Range, Mission Backup (Blond Girl)
377.4000 Air Exercise air-air (China Lake or VMFT-401?)
377.5750 Air exercise ops, AWACS
377.7000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
377.8000 Nellis Range Controller "Blackjack" UHF (paired with 123.550)
377.8500 Dreamland Airspace, EW Range? Ops
377.9750 Air Exercise air-air (China Lake or VMFT-401?)
378.2250 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 16 AACS, E-8C
378.3500 Air Exercise, air-air
378.6750 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 30 RS, RQ-170
379.0000 422 Ops Desk
379.1000 Coyote MOA, Rachel area, Air Exercise
379.1500 KLAS Approach & Class B West
379.2750 Salt Lake Center high - Sector 44
379.4000 Superior Valley Range (R-2509) "Baron"
379.5000 Coyote Range Control, Air Exercise
379.5500 Red Flag DCA
379.6000 422 TES Ops
379.6500 Range 77 Operations Secondary, ECE, ECW, TPECR
381.3000 Nellis AFB Command Post (ALCP) (Raymond 22)
381.9000 China Lake / R2524 Range Control
384.8000 Dreamland Airspace, R-4809, Sandia Mission (weapons test)
385.4000 Nellis AFB Approach/Departure West
385.5000 Nellis AFB SFA
392.1500 Coordination between Nellis Control and TAC C2 (Tactical Command and Control, AWACS)
397.2000 Nellis AFB SFA

406.000 - 420.000 Federal Government Band (FM)

406.0000 - 406.1000 New Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs)
412.8750 NTTR Base Ops (TTR)
420.000 - 512.000 UHF Band (FM)

433.9200 "Dakota Alert WMT-3000" Wireless Motion Sensor at Back Gate
451.8000 Mining operations north of Tonopah (repeater output)
456.8000 Mining operations north of Tonopah (repeater input)

902.0 - 928.0 Tracking radar, flight test, security systems, data link, ISM equipment

Data packes on various frequencies, 12.5 kHz bandwidth, mostly following a 100 kHz raster

1000.0 - 2000.0 L-Band

1350.0 - 1390.0 CRIIS Band

1375.000 NTTR CRIIS Downlink - Telemetry and Test Data downlink (Area 51, TTR and Dreamland Missions)

1780.0 - 1850.0 ACTS Band

1801.000 R-2508 ACTS Downlink?
1819.000 NTTR ACTS Downlink, Blue Team - Air exercise telemetry downlink (Red Flag and other exercises, 422 TES)
1830.000 UTTR ACTS Downlink?
1845.000 NTTR ACTS Downlink, Red Team - Air exercise telemetry downlink (Red Flag and other exercises)
See Red Flag Air Combat Training System (ACTS) for more information

2000.0 - 4000.0 S-Band

2025.0-2110.0 Possibly New ACTS Band

(As of 08/2024 no traffic yet in NTTR)

2200.0-2290.0 New CRIIS Band

(As of 08/2024 no traffic yet in NTTR)

Nellis AFB Aircraft Radio Preset Channels

01234.900  Red Flag Squadron Common
02289.400120.900Nellis AFB Clearance Delivery
03275.800121.800Nellis AFB Ground Control
04327.000132.550Nellis AFB Control Tower
05385.400135.100Nellis AFB Approach/Departure West
06273.550124.950Nellis AFB Approach/Departure East and Class B
07317.525126.650Nellis Control East (Desert MOA, Sally Corridor)
08254.400119.350Nellis Control West (Restricted Areas, Lee Corridor, Reveille MOA)
09305.600143.000Supervisor of Flying (SOF) 57 FW-Bullseye Control
10321.100  Nellis Air Emergency/Single Frequency Approach
11270.100  Nellis ATIS
12360.625118.300Creech AFB Tower
13317.450  Nellis Tac ATIS
14    Unit Option
15-19  HAVE QUICK / Unit Option
20300.050  HAVE QUICK

Red Flag

BEIGE 14: 270.725
BEIGE 24: 228.200
BEIGE 30: 372.150

BLUE 1: 233.450
BLUE 4: 266.000
BLUE 7: 309.500
BLUE 9: 327.200
BLUE 10: 343.300
BLUE 11: 349.200
BLUE 12: 349.600
BLUE 14: 379.550

INDIGO 2: 18.450

MAGENTA 2: 225.325
MAGENTA 12: 277.625

ORANGE 2: 138.750
ORANGE 3: 139.800
ORANGE 4: 141.150
ORANGE 5: 141.000
ORANGE 12: 238.325
ORANGE 18: 304.600
ORANGE 39: 257.100

RED 2: 363.900 (??)
RED 3: 253.700
RED 4: 254.475
RED 5: 259.950
RED 7: 276.850
RED 9: 308.000
RED 20: 251.900

WHITE 1: 229.250
WHITE 2: 236.000
WHITE 3: 238.650
WHITE 4: 255.700
WHITE 5: 260.250
WHITE 6: 284.000
WHITE 7: 291.850
WHITE 8: 308.600
WHITE 10: 326.400
WHITE 12: 289.300

YELLOW 2: 138.775
YELLOW 4: 138.950

PURPLE 20: 303.100

VHF Air to Air (>AM<)

138.025, 138.050, 138.225, 138.275, 138.425, 138.875, 139.050, 139.100, 139.500, 139.700, 140.425, 141.900, 141.975, 142.050, 142.175, 142.225, 142.350, 142.375, 142.500, 142.850, 148.450, 149.075

Have Quick Frequencies [Channel]

225.150 [19], 235.050 [20], 239.950 [17], 252.925 [18], 257.250 [13], 262.450 [14], 267.850 [15], 271.950 [16], 279.750 [05], 284.150 [06], 289.050 [07], 293.550 [08], 298.650 [09], 303.275 [10], 308.750 [11], 314.450 [12]

Additional Have Quick Frequencies (found 06/2022)

225.125, 235.025, 239.925, 252.900, 257.225, 262.425, 267.825, 271.925, 279.725, 284.125, 289.025, 293.525, 298.625, 303.250, 308.725, 314.425

Red Flag Handoff Sequence

Blue Team: 02-03-04-05/06-07-15-White 8-(Mission)-White 8-15-07-05/06-04

Red Team: 02-03-04-05/06-08-16-270.025MHz-08-05/06-04

Active mission frequencies during past Red Flag exercises

AWACS Check-In: White 8
Strike: Beige 30, Blue 9, Blue 10, Blue 12
SEAD: Orange 5
OCA: Blue 4, Blue 11
Roulette (SAM Sites): 148.1

Obsolete or outside Rachel area coverage

209 kHz Basecamp NDB "AEC" (inactive)
278 kHz TTR NDB "XSD" (inactive)
326 kHz Mercury NDB "MCY" (inactive)
414 kHz Groom NDB "PYD" (inactive)
113.9000 Basecamp VOR, ident: "AEC" (no longer active, VOR antenna cone is gone)
120.0500 Dreamland MOA Control (R-4808)
120.3500 Salt Lake Center high (north of Reveille & Caliente MOA) / Dreamland MOA Control (R-4808)
123.1000 Nellis AFB Ground Clearance (UNICOM?)
124.4000 KLAS Ramp Control (A,B,C Gates and Charter)
124.4500 Nellis Control, Northern portion of Desert MOA
128.3500 Salt Lake Center (air side)
129.1750 KLAS Ramp Control (A+B+C Gates and Charter)
134.7000 Oakland (or Salt Lake?) Center High
134.8500 Nellis Range Controller "Blackjack" (VHF)
135.7000 Oakland Center high altitude flight watch, above 18,000ft.
135.9000 LA Center high altitude flight watch, above 18,000ft.
138.8500 >AM< Red Flag AWACS
139.6250 >AM< Voice, referred someone to 377.1 MHz (LA ARTCC)
141.3750 >AM< Red Flag: RF 17-3: DGAR
142.2000 >AM< Voice, air exercise ("Fox 3")
144.4500 >AM< Red Flag Ops, launch and recovery (Handed players off to "White 8")
148.0750 Nellis AFB, aircraft maintenance
148.2250 Nellis Range Control frequency "Fox 3", Tolicha Peak ECR, "Scorpion Base" and "Scorpion Patrol"
148.3000 Nellis AFB Security Police (Raymond 22)
148.5250 Nellis AFB Base Ops
148.5450 Nellis AFB Ramp (Raymond 22)
155.8800 KLAS security, morse code ID "KCE878"
163.3750 Nellis AFB Security Police
163.4875 Nellis AFB Security Police (Raymond 22)
163.5125 Nellis AFB Security Police (Raymond 22)
163.5875 Nellis AFB Security Police
165.0625 Nellis AFB Security Police
165.1875 Nellis AFB Security Police (Raymond 22)
167.8250 NTTR/NNSS security
167.9250 NTS Fire / EMS / Radiation Safety Net
168.3500 NTS Operations
170.7500 NTS Test Operations (Frenchman Flat area)
173.5625 Nellis AFB Medical Help (Raymond 22)
173.5875 Nellis AFB Fire/Crash (Raymond 22)
173.6875 DOE/DOD Rescue/Medics (voice: "Rescue 6")
173.8375 Nellis AFB Fire/Crash
225.3500 Nellis interplane communications
225.7000 Red Flag 03/14: "Chalice on DCM, we'll act as relay for Juice"
227.3250 Nellis Pilot to Dispatch
227.7750 Red Flag
232.2750 R-2508 461FLTS, 422 TES, VX-9 (Bolt, Jester, Vampire, Skull)
234.7000 R-2508
236.2750 Red Flag
238.3000 Dreamland MOA (Ops freq.) (Mission freq. on 375.8)
240.1500 voice AM, air exercise
243.9000 Nellis Range Control "Baron"
250.3250 R-2508 air exercise, AWACS
252.4000 Skunkworks Main
253.4000 Tactical Control
253.7250 Red Flag: RF 17-3: SAO AirBoss
255.7500 Aerial Refueling Operations
260.9500 Silverbow (TTR) Approach
274.8000 Nellis AFB Emergency Air to Ground
275.2000 Skunkworks, Lockheed nationwide test frequency
279.1500 R-2508 Air Exercise Ops
280.0000 Range 62 Operations
283.6000 Red Flag
286.5000 Red Flag: RF 17-3: 95FS, F-22
287.9000 Planes and ground controller, near Tonopah
292.4000 Nellis Tactical Intercom
295.2000 414th Combat Training Squadron, Tactical
295.6000 Red Flag AWACS, Las Vegas area, "Cylon", "Target Bullseye ..."
297.5000 Nellis Exercise Ops
304.9000 Supervisor of Flying (SOF) 57 FW-Bullseye Control
306.2000 LA Center (AR-624)
316.8000 Nellis Control
317.4500 Nellis Tac ATIS (for Red Flag and other Exercises)
319.8000 Oakland Center (Bishop, low)
327.1000 Oakland Center for aircraft above 60,000 ft. (primary)
333.5500 Air Exercise / Orientation flight ("Bulls Eye", "Farms", "Bear Paw")
337.4000 voice, AM, air exercise
338.6000 Nellis Control ("LEE", Tonopah)
338.7000 Tonopah Test Range, Approach Control
342.5000 Air Exercise R-2508
349.3000 Skunkworks
360.8000 Salt Lake Center (ARTCC)
361.1000 Dreamland Airspace, MOA Control (R-4808, obsolete?)
361.3000 Dreamland MOA Control (R-4808)
362.4500 R-2508 mission check-in
376.9500 Red Flag, planes (British players, "Cylon")
379.9000 Skunkworks
379.9250 Red Flag, foreign guest units (?)
379.9500 KLAS Clearance Delivery
380.3000 Nellis AFB Approach
380.3500 Salt Lake Center (Sunnyside, low/high)
381.3000 ACC Command Post Raymond 22
381.4000 USSTRATCOM Air to Air
381.4500 Salt Lake Center (Cedar City, low+high)
382.6000 Skunkworks, Lockheed nationwide test frequency
383.3000 Nellis Range Control Center "Roulette", EC West, TOSS Scoring north
385.5000 Nellis AFB Single Frequency Approach ("Bravo")
385.8000 Salt Lake Center (near Rachel)
387.9000 US Air Force Air Combat Command (ACC)
388.9500 Red Flag SIS/VPN
389.0000 RF 15-3 OCA Control
389.1000 Nellis Range Control Center "Jedi"
389.2000 Air exercise controller "Barnyard"
390.9000 US Air Force Air Combat Command (ACC)
391.8000 Groom Lake AWACS Aircraft "Darkstar", 965th AACS
392.9000 Alamo Range Control Center ("Boar")
395.1500 Green Flag (549 CTS)
395.8500 Green Flag (549 CTS)
397.2000 Nellis AFB Single Frequency Approach ("Delta")
397.2500 Green Flag (549 CTS)
397.8500 Salt Lake Center (Tonopah, low/high)
398.4750 Red Flag AWACS
399.5000 Green Flag (549 CTS)
399.8500 Green Flag (549 CTS)
496.2500 Old Area 51 road sensors
497.7500 Old Area 51 road sensors

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