Re: B-21 stealth bomber roll out

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Message posted by Peter Merlin (Member since 11/13/2003) on September 20, 2022 at 18:50:29 PST:

When the B-2 was rolled out in 1988, the Air Force and Northrop public relations staff tried to limit disclosure of the bomber's trailing edge during the event. They also limited attendance at the rollout itself, barring a number of media correspondents.

Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine editor Mike Dornheim, along with other senior staff members, considered several novel approaches to solve the challenge of getting images of the B-2's planform once it was out of the hangar. They watched for NOTAMS calling for airspace restrictions over Air Force Plant 42 and discovered that while takeoffs and landings at Palmdale were restricted that morning, overflight was not.

Dornheim was a licensed pilot. He rented a Cessna 172 and took photographer Bill Hartenstein aloft to await the emergence of the B-2 from its hangar while cruising at a legal altitude above the airfield. The results appeared in the following issue of AvWeek.

Do we know any private pilot who might want to attempt a similar feat with the B-21 rollout?

In Reply to: Re: B-21 stealth bomber roll out posted by Duke on September 20, 2022 at 15:02:18 PST:


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