Message posted by Desert Shadow (Member since 05/28/2009) on December 14, 2022 at 11:27:25 PST:
Certainly since the unnecessary FBI raid and the ridiculous way it was handled, it has given way to even more reflection. At one time, my fascination with Area 51 was all consuming and extremely enjoyable at the same time. I truly was fascinated with Glenn and his running around the outer gates, Norio with his marches, and of course the greatest personality on radio ever Art Bell, and various others who sort of were at the forefront of Area 51. I always wondered how Glenn could lose interest in Area 51 so quickly and sort of turn it into a joke. I can remember one of his last trips, for money, throwing a rock off of Tikaboo Peak and taking a picture of it making it look like a UFO and laughing about it. It is now quite obvious why he did what he did and ended up laughing at Area 51 and those still poking around in the desert. Once the fact that Area 51 is simply a military installation, only useful, because of it's "out in the middle of nowhere" location and the recent incredible photos from satellites, and private planes, there really is no mystery what lies beyond the gates. For sure there are many on this site that are still very interested in what goes on there due to their interest in military black projects. And that is really interesting and this site is an awesome resource for those individuals. Glenn was never interested in the military aspect of Area 51. I will continue to enjoy if not outright love going out the Groom Lake Road, Rachel, and the back gate. It definitely takes a bit of the edge off knowing what it really looks like past the gates! I will continue to check this forum daily for that rare nugget of a post that rekindles the flame that lies in all of us. And I will always look up into the sky at night just down the road from where Art Bell did his broadcast and looked up into the sky nightly. This period in history for this website and Area 51 regarding how the government treats it's citizens is crying out for a true leader, Norio, please write something about your feelings about what has taken place recently. It's time for one of your peaceful marches down Groom Lake Road. God how I wish for something like that again!