Re: Lincoln County SO body cam trespassing

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Message posted by crossair (Member since 04/30/2017) on April 14, 2022 at 13:08:58 PST:

I wonder how this bodycam footage made its way from the Lincoln County Sheriff Office to Tiktok. It looks like an excerpt from one of those US cop shows otherwise I would assume it was made available unauthorized. Even with the accidental front gate border breach by this Area 51 tour guide some years ago all his interaction with the cammos had to be excluded from the car cam footage that was aired on TV.

I can see two Raptors and one LCSD vehicle in this excerpt so no extra big show of force but standard procedure, each Raptor equipped with two cammos on night shift. And a surprisingly friendly and professional handling of the situation by both the deputy and the cammo dudes. No stern warning but a polite process and a 'caring' company to the Alamo boundaries. Maybe a bodycam has some positive influence on polite demeanor.

Sure no good reason to trespass but USD640 might be worth for some to get a 'trophy' from the area.
On a positive note, the occasional harmless trespass keeps security on its toes and works against their complacency and Lincoln County gets some nice extra payment that it urgently needs.
I would assume that base security/AFOSI is more concerned about a possible attack or ambush against local commuting test site staff and/or cammo dudes by mentally ill people with guns/bombs doing crazy things to gain dodgy publicity than military secrets being ever revealed by trespassers.

In Reply to: Lincoln County SO body cam trespassing posted by Jester_25 on April 13, 2022 at 6:11:01 PST:


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