Re: Hangar dimensions and other fun facts

Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on August 05, 2007 at 21:11:16 PST:

Thank you Tom! Nice work on the measurements. I have updated the page with the new hangar accordingly. I think the base section of the berm may be less steep than the top section. This may account for the diffenrence in height. When I measure the berm in reference to H-18 in my June 2007 Tikaboo photos, I get a height of about 55 ft.

BTW: The CD contains a text file with metadata about the satellite image. According to that the sun angle was Azimuth: 133.5805 degrees and Elevation: 68.40614 degrees (as you stated). The collection angle from the satellite was Azimuth: 305.1401 degrees and Elevation: 85.66251 degrees.


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