Message posted by Frank Stamm on November 27, 2006 at 9:12:06 PST:
Good post, you raise some good questions. It is VFR weather mostly all the time, but I have seen Bald Mt obscured a few times. Very rare for low IFR, so VFR flt following could work. I would doubt any Janet B-737 climbs above FL 180 to Groom or TTR. To and from other destinations would be the same as the airlines till they get to the R space. I would think an ATP and type ratings would be required for Janet but as to hours in type and the fact about the security clearance, would make me think ex-mil. The A/C are regestered to the Air Force but as to the Part operated under, I wouldn't know where to even look for that. Forum members? The Beech A/C were flown single pilot, but after the crash of N27RA they might be crewed. Check link under More Info - Janet Fleet.
In Reply to: Re: Janet WWW254 and WWW265 posted by CRJPilot on November 25, 2006 at 8:58:29 PST: