Re: George Knapp and Bob Lazar on coast to coast on Saturday

Message posted by lone wolf on April 04, 2006 at 19:58:46 PST:

You simply can't comprehend the notion of proving a negative. Here it is in simple English. If you found a record of Bob Lazar in the EG&G files, you have proved he worked there. If you didn't find a record of Bob Lazar in the EG&G files, you proved you didn't find a record of Bob Lazar in the EG&G files. However, you didn't prove he never worked there. You can't prove a negative. Job number one at EG&G would have been to remove any documents with Lazar's name on it once he went public, hence no record found.

Alleged sources might as well be no sources. Or am I to believe all the nutcases that phone Coast to Coast with their inside connections?

As far as going to jail for releasing TS info, nearly all of these cases never go to trial because to prove their case, they need to reveal the secret. It's a catch 22.

Examine the case of William Cleveland Jr., who transfered classified documents to the Chinese. Cleveland was a former FBI agent to boot! No conviction. Peter Lee, in a similar situation, plea bargined for no jail time. Bob Lazar's "crime" was not one tenth as bad as selling nuclear secrets to the Chinese.

In Reply to: Re: George Knapp and Bob Lazar on coast to coast on Saturday posted by time on April 04, 2006 at 18:26:56 PST:


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