Re: invasion

Message posted by connie on December 18, 1999 at 02:20:51 EST:

I strongly agree with Andre and Joerg on this. There is no way a large force of the public could storm the base. As Andre said if any group ever attempted this it could result in more land grabbing by the military.
Never mind the fact that there ARE sensors everywhere along with other devices.
If people were to "storm" the base or do not heed the warnings it could result in more land takeover. This IS serious business.
Eventually the public could not even venture beyond highway 375. Do we want that? No. We are all interested and concerned about what goes on and we may not like the fact that these forces are above the law. I say we continue with ongoing discussions and research.

In Reply to: Re: invasion posted by Andre' M. Dall'au on December 13, 1999 at 15:13:41 EST:


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