Close Encounter Near Area 51

Message posted by Source on June 23, 2000 at 19:01:32 EST:

Noted California ufologist Richard J. Boylan encountered a UFO the night of Monday, September 9, 1996 near Rachel, Nevada. Boylan, his wife and his stepson were driving on Nevada Highway 375, also known as "The Extraterrestrial Highway." He described the sky's condition as stormy, with many lightning flashes out on the desert.

Boylan reported, "As we were about ten miles east of Rachel, we noticed a very intense white light about a mile and a half ahead of us, lined up with the highway. At first we thought it was an oncoming vehicle, but after a while (we) noticed that it never got any closer but maintained the same distance...We puzzled about this for a few more minutes until a brilliant stroke of lighting flashed behind the mystery object, illuminating it and revealing that it was about 100 feet (33 meters) in the air, above the highway roadbed. Shortly afterward, the object grew dim and tiny, then almost disappeared. It briefly reflared again to full size, then, more minutes later, went out."

The following morning, September 10, the Boylans returned to the spot, near the intersection of Groom Lake Road, a dirt road leading to Area 51. "Before five minutes had elapsed," an Army AH-64 Apache helicopter appeared and swooped over their car. The chopper made a second pass and then hovered 150 feet above the vehicle. Boylan described the Apache as olive-drab green with no markings and said it escorted their car back down Groom Lake Road to the Highway 375 intersection.


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