Re: Benzoyl Puron and Dioxin as toxic chemicals in past stealth programs?

Message posted by nomad147 on October 02, 2003 at 6:23:29 PST:

There was nothing discovered here, any factory that manufactures any type of product where you are altering chemicals and substances under extreme ways will produce toxic chemicals. Saying that there was dioxins at Area 51 is like saying you will find antifreeze at a gas station. 90% of the time you don't here about it is because the substances are handled and disposed of properly. The times you here about it are when the companies dispose of the chemicals by just digging a hole and burying the stuff somewhere like in Love Canal, or by dumping them in a stream somewhere, or by digging big ditches and burning everything in the ditches with jet fuel. When you are exempt from EPA inspections and all evironmental laws because you are on a secret military base, you will do what is cheapest and just burn it. If American industry could do what they did at Groom Lake , there would be enormous areas of the country where the ground and water supply would be so toxic that nothing could live there for years. Rense was just throwing out words and making everyone get all excited, but if the gas station down the street from you started dumping used motor oil in the water supply, the exact same thing would happen in your neighborhood. I worked in a plant that made circuit boards for 5 years, if you saw the chemicals we used to make them, you would think we were making WMD's. This kind of thing is just the byproduct of manufacturing.If you went scrounging around Dell, GM, Lockheed, Burger KIng,Exxon,DuPont etc. you will find the same stuff. This was what actually happened in the US before the EPA and environmental acts were passed and it happens in a lot of third world nations. Thats why a lot of this nasty stuff is made overseas because the companies dont have to comply with the laws in a lot of theses countries.

In Reply to: Re: Benzoyl Puron and Dioxin as toxic chemicals in past stealth programs? posted by lone wolf on October 01, 2003 at 23:24:39 PST:


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