Is it one of The Tooth predecessors?

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Message posted by n01_b4_flash (Member since 01/29/2012) on April 24, 2023 at 15:38:01 PST:

Did find this on some YT Machrihanish-related video in comments section... I wonder whether is it connected to The Tooth or its predecessors in the lineage? Hmm... @Smythers, are you so generous to say a word or two on it/this? ;)

A quote:
"I think specific dates would be inappropriate, but let’s say the 90’s. I will say what I can & you can make your own conclusion from the info below; The fuel wasn’t kerosene that went into a ‘type’ of black aircraft. The viscosity was almost like treacle/syrup and the smell was not so much normal either. I know that the fuelling process was one part the engineers were trying to solve issues with. There wasn’t a pungent or strong smell, but you quickly felt lightheaded when you did smell it. You knew when you had missed one through the night, as almost everyone woke with a headache. Full NCB suits were worn by those within 500yrds (my estimated distance) during fuelling, which took at least 4hrs. If there was wind, this could be extended. This was done in a hanger that was the largest I had seen & extremely high. Up to 4 of this aircraft had designated areas, however, I only ever seen 1 at a time. Possibly it was the same one, but the facilities were there. Other than ground movements, nav lights were also off before takeoff procedure. I will state that I had nothing officially to do with the aircraft and this was always at night for arrival & departure. My sightings were either through passing (as slowly as possible), through NVG’s or moonlight, which they stopped doing ops with a clear sky & full moon light. Machrihanish often has low cloud & this was normally perfect weather for flying ops. Using NVG’s with the engines running, the aircraft was no longer a clear, but out of focus image. There was no markings & no registration. US & UK personnel guarded the hangar/aircraft. ‘My opinion’; is that this was a new aircraft, testing new hybrid fuel types, 30 years before we started putting hybrid systems in cars. I believed it was designed to replace the larger aircraft (SR-71A). ..."

Lastly, you mentioned here about a specific airframe that was built in 5 examples, that was later scrapped and buried. Is the aforementioned quote about that or something else, unconnected and unrelated?


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