Message posted by z.z.zzyzx (Member since 11/16/2021) on December 30, 2022 at 10:29:52 PST:
I can't answer that for certain, but I can tell a story from many years ago. As a young private pilot, I attended a seminar put on by the FAA at the LA Center facility called Operation Raincheck. During one segment on the importance of checking NOTAMS when traversing the Antelope Valley area, the FAA controller speaking told the story of a man who busted the restricted area en route to Vegas in his "fork tailed doctor killer" (V35 Bonanza). The FAA tracked his flight, and met him on the ramp in North Las Vegas, but he was too excited to talk about that. He wanted to report the UFO he'd seen near Ridgecrest. What he'd witnessed was missiles being lobbed from one section of the China Lake range to the other, across the Trona gap. He'd apparently just missed getting accidentally shot down. The moral to the story was, from the FAA, "talk to us, we'll help you get to where you're going safely". The moral to the story from me is, check NOTAMS. There may be clues hidden in there as to what's coming.
In Reply to: OT: Watching missile tests near China Lake posted by 747Pilot on December 30, 2022 at 0:10:54 PST: