Re: Red Flag 22-3

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Message posted by Ron (Member since 07/25/2009) on July 11, 2022 at 17:40:30 PST:

General Mark Kelly

RED FLAG - NELLIS 22-3 kicks off today and runs for 15 training days to 29 Jul 22. Over 100 USAF and USN Fighter, Bomber, Rescue, ISR, C2, and Air Mobility aircraft along with Intelligence, Space, and Cyber Warriors have gathered at Nellis Air Force Base, NV, under the guidance of the 414th Combat Training Squadron. Led by Col Michael Alfaro and his Core Unit Team from the 4th Fighter Wing, Seymour Johnson AFB, NC, they will integrate and conduct the most realistic, live-fly training available in the world with the goal of exposing air warriors to the most realistic aerial training short of actual combat. Established in the mid-70s as a result of the disappointing performance of US aviation in Vietnam, RED FLAG was created to enhance combat readiness by preemptively exposing aircrew to near-combat conditions prior to deploying for war. Under constant revision and adaptation for modern aviation, this basic approach is still in use today and has become a steadfast pillar of USAF training for nearly 50 years. #RedFlagNellis, great job advancing joint combat readiness and integration training!

Attached link: Red Flag post by Gen Kelly

In Reply to: Red Flag 22-3 posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on July 08, 2022 at 9:12:30 PST:


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