Message posted by Gregos on December 04, 2018 at 5:59:13 PST:
I Don't really know what the problem was before and why the construction was needed. When towing my travel trailer, I used to come home HWY 93 to Las Vegas Blvd to avoid the HWY 93 / I-15 on ramp. It's a short acceleration ramp and with semis barreling down on you at 75 mph+ it can get a little nerve racking. I can imagine the same for all the trucks going south on 93 to I-15, but if the new construction didn't effect that on ramp -why? I've never been delayed at that intersection for more than a minute or two being behind a few trucks. Ah, your tax dollars hard at work! I do enjoy the landscaping NV DOT has done around the highway system in Las Vegas, especially all the gabions. What better way to dispose of unwanted rock. Too bad they probably paid for all of it, no doubt...
In Reply to: Re: Construction at I-15, Hwy 93 exit posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on December 03, 2018 at 22:30:22 PST: