Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on July 10, 2018 at 17:32:09 PST:
Mark your calendars: Every year the Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame honors aviation pioneers that call the state of Nevada home. This year's enshrinement dinner will be on Friday, November 9, 2018. The dinner is open to the public. Follow the attached link to the NVAHOF web site for more information and to RSVP. The Enshrinee Class of 2018 includes: - The 4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron, Red Eagles: America’s Secret MiG Squadron at Tonopah, Nevada - Lt Col Don Donohue Maintenance Officer at Area 51 and Founder of Las Vegas Airlines - Robert Broadbent – Clark County Director of Aviation, completed the McCarran 2000 project and made Las Vegas one of the nation’s largest airports - CMSgt. Richard “Dick” Sinclair of the 6513th Test Squadron – 1968-1979