Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on January 23, 2018 at 9:45:29 PST:
A reminder for those of you concerned about the ongoing process of the Air Force grabbing public land: Tonight is a public meeting about the Alamo Road land grab of 300,000 acres (!) of public land. Yes, you read this right, the currently restricted area roughly the size of Connecticut isn't enough... They want to steal an additional chunk of land half the size of Rhode Island from us! The land around Alamo Road is very popular with Las Vegans for all sorts of recreational activities. We will lose Corn Creek Station, Hidden Forest Cabin, Cow Camp and Joe May jeep trails, Desert Lake, the sand dunes, various petroglyph sites and much more. Now is the time to voice our concerns! I strongly urge anyone in the Las Vegas valley to attend the meeting and to let the Air Force know how we feel about this. See you there!
In Reply to: Alamo Road Land Grab posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on January 17, 2018 at 17:17:20 PST: