Re: Another Stealth Chopper in the Osama Raid?

Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on May 21, 2011 at 10:08:03 PST:

Thank you for posing tne link. I don't think the lack of replies is because of a lack of interest. I am sure most of our readers, as myself, would like to know the details on these transport helicopters and the backup team (the idea makes a lit of sense!). There is just not a lot to go on, even for speculation. What is not clear to me is why the second pair of choppers could not have been another pair of "Silent Hawks"...

In Reply to: Another Stealth Chopper in the Osama Raid? posted by loopbacktest4echo on May 20, 2011 at 17:42:59 PST:


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