Message posted by Don on March 20, 2011 at 21:34:04 PST:
Years ago when the first strike on Libya was planned the F-117A's were called up but later removed from the plan because the government felt that was not the time to disclose the Stealth capability. The impressive display of a squadron of F-117A's at Langley AFB in 1991 on the way to Iraq was on purpose to show Saddam he would not be able to defend against stealth. His advisors weren't fast enough to study Stealth. History shows he guessed wrong.
Having Libya back as a problem is no need to show off new aircraft from A51. The "No fly Zone" can be covered easy by just one carrier. And seeing NATO wants to be part of this, even easier to do. No new toys out of A51 for this small fight.
In Reply to: Libya posted by Rodeo65 on March 19, 2011 at 22:57:10 PST: