Re: Nevada Test Site

Message posted by wheresjanet on January 29, 2011 at 18:46:07 PST:

Thats pretty cool. If you look up the new harry reid speech about the NNSS. He trys to pretend that its not a Defense site anymore and more like a EPA research site. BS. He somehow magically seems to forget about all the Chemical and Biological weapon research that goes on there now. The new Department of Homeland security facility that is there. Also people seem to forget that JASPER has a bigger mission then people know. The link is pretty cool.. Don't think i am talking crap on that. it was actually pretty cool. I am just talking crap on the democrats in this nation that forget that we need a strong and advancing military. Without that we will not be able to defend our homeland.

I really hope the Military training and "other Government agencies" still conduct what they do there. The Solar plant that reid wants there is only going to take up 17,000 acres so that isn't to bad.

In Reply to: Nevada Test Site posted by Robert on January 29, 2011 at 17:55:21 PST:


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