Re: Cows and birds

Message posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on December 08, 2007 at 13:10:30 PST:

The cows pretty much just wander around the area, in and out of the restricted area (and onto the highway, it is open range). The rancher maintains several water holes and wells inside the restricted area. If for whatever reason he needs to pick up a cow inside the restricted area, he gets a phone call. He also has one of the trunk radios used by security, to report his position in case he trips a sensor inside the restricted area.

The cow cam mentioned in another post of course is a joke that some of us that were exposed to the Bald Mountain whacko beam for too long came up with. The idea of remote controlled aircraft (or birds?) comes up every once in a while, but I don't know of anyone who has actually done this. Even if it could work, it would be extremely risky business. If you get caught, and with all the surveillance equipment there is a very good chance that you would, you would go to jail for a very long time.

It is much less dangerous, and actually quite fun, to rent a small plane in Vegas and fly along the edge of the restricted airspace. You get a pretty good look at the base that way, and its perfectly legal. As long as you de-conflict your flight with Nellis control, of course.

In fact, I hear that a certain DLR team member will celebrate his own "51" next Saturday by flying a Russian jet along the north side of Area 51, through the gap at Coyote Summit and proceed to target his trailer in Rachel. Trip report to follow...

In Reply to: Cows and birds posted by Gabriel on December 08, 2007 at 4:59:14 PST:


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