Message posted by Hank on October 21, 2007 at 16:33:30 PST:
Coyote Summit is about 10 miles east of the Inn on 375. The turn in off the road is marked by two orange trash barrels. Cedar Gate Rd into the Railroad Valley is about 10 miles or so in the other direction (west)on 375. Its the first road to your left after you come off of Queen City Summit, and its paved all the way to the gate.The turn off to Texas Lake is about 3 miles south of the Alamo City limits. Their is a sign on the east side of the road that says Alamo Canyon. Its 18 miles from that point. It is all graded but pretty rough in spots. If you have a GPS I suggest you mark a waypoint on the way in as the return trip gives you lots of turns and cutoffs.
As far as where to be it all depends on the flight schedule which we dont have yet. The last flag was all night exercises so that would leave Texas Lake out as its not a good trip at night. Dont know if you will have a scanner but if you do it will give you a hint as to where they are and whats going on.
For a general map with GPS numbers go to the link on your left that says more info and photos. Scroll down to visitor info the click on Rachel and ET Highway.
Hope this helps
If you have any further questions please feel free to post them
In Reply to: Re: Best viewing spots for Red Flag posted by Trevor on October 21, 2007 at 15:57:46 PST: