Re: Smart arse!

Message posted by Richard on July 25, 2007 at 7:49:05 PST:

"Me, I see a completely fabricated photoshop project, with 3 or more distinct layers"

You do? Funny, I loaded it into Photoshop and I saw no evidence of a rendered image. Increasing the brightness and contrast on an image of that type would most definatley show a built up image of the type you describe.

Perhaps you can expand on how you saw that?

As for the daily mail being the equiv to the National Enquirer. Are you British? Not that I am agreeing or disagreeing with you - but some foundation on how you come to that conclusion would be appreciated - not just for me, but for non-british readers.

Back to the image.... could be a hoax - in fact I am one of those people that would most definatley presume it's a hoax until proven otherwise. The formation looks like it is trying too hard to be a "black" project. And if you look at the people in the image, some are blurred - but the lights are not so much. Also the street lamps create a yellow haze - yet the lights are clear and white. We all know that taking photos of stars requires a long exposure due to surface lights, and based on that - I think the image is indeed a hoax. No evidence in the photo of layers though...

In Reply to: Re: Smart arse! posted by The Mail Man on July 24, 2007 at 22:36:00 PST:


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