Re: New Area 51 Panorama (don't mean to rain on the parade)

Message posted by Rcteller on July 09, 2007 at 0:03:27 PST:

I see the "hangar" in a slightly different light. It doesn't seem to have good access to the rest of the taxiway infrastructure. It seems clear there is no taxiway around the south or west of the hangar, which means the only way would be to the hangars to the north and west, and there doesn't seem to be much of a taxiway there.

Like previous observations.... if the wall (berm) was to prevent prying eyes, why would you build it around the back side as well? I suspect the dirt pile is some sort of retention wall for liquids, or designed as a blast protection in case something goes wrong with whatever is being worked on (high energy fuels?). The new sat photos will shed light on my speculation, and I may very well be wrong.

There seems to be several other intentional walls at the Ranch, including one just north of Hangar 18, that are hardly mentioned.

Any comments?




In Reply to: Re: New Area 51 Panorama posted by Scot Tway on July 08, 2007 at 18:55:10 PST:


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