Re: Happy New Year and an F-22A Question

Message posted by Chris McDowell on January 01, 2007 at 10:47:42 PST:

Absolutely. Please, for all of us here, tell your son thanks for doing the job.

As far as the cannon question, it has always been my understanding that the limitation in firing a cannon has more to do with g-forces on the jet rather than airspeed. There have been numerous incidents in the past where a pilot would fire in a negative-g attitude, and the guns would jam (because they would fail to feed properly). But this may have only been symptomatic of earlier gun designs, and possibly addressed in the Vulcan. I'll ask around.

Chris M.

In Reply to: Re: Happy New Year and an F-22A Question posted by Joerg (Webmaster) on January 01, 2007 at 6:15:26 PST:


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