Message posted by Will(NorCal) on November 19, 2006 at 0:29:10 PST:
I think background radiation is sort of a gamble. My dad worked at NTS in the late 50s-early 60s. I was born in 1962 and don't have any anomalies as far as I know LOL. He later worked at Rockwell facilities in SoCal, both at the Canoga Park location and later at the "Santa Susana Field Lab" aka Rocketdyne. I can remember him coming home every day and doing a sweep with a Geiger counter in the garage before coming inside (especially his shoes). He had spent some time at Rocketdyne in the 50s as well. He was exposed (for a very short time) to a lost "pill" used to X-ray welds. Others there were not so lucky. He will be celebrating his 80th birthday next July, God willing. That location was also the site of the first recorded reactor meltdown in 1957. I grew up right under it, with no ill far. I would have no problems living in a low-background area. There are lots of other risks these days with higher mortality rates. Will
In Reply to: Background Radiation? posted by Gregos on November 19, 2006 at 0:03:23 PST: