Message posted by Mark on July 09, 2006 at 8:38:44 PST:
My understanding (correct me if im wrong) was that certain hangers at Groom didn't have a big enough crace to load it. This was the case when the Tacit Blue arrived. My grandpa saw them take it to hanger such and such (yes thats a qoute) and everyone working with them on the project walked put and saw them lift it out of its box wiht the initial though of "What is that?" It could be for the same reason its outside. Plus we had accurate maps of the Russian satelitte tracks, so we could easily move them to cover before they came. My grandpa experienced this during the F-117 project when the team went outside and gave the Russsians the finger. I hope this helps some. Mark
In Reply to: A-12 posted by Viking05 on July 08, 2006 at 21:41:33 PST: