Re: Time sure goes by fast !

Message posted by Donald on March 03, 2011 at 1:17:41 PST:

I admit that there are certain elements of the story that make you wonder - yes, the photos are grainy, but he does say this is to protect the secrets of the aircraft. The flip side of that is that if he were posting fakes deliberately, this is exactly what he would say!

All i know is that having been a regular visitor to for a few years, I have no reason to doubt his post, as he has has been a regular source of info that has proven correct - particularly in the field of UAVs/UCAVs. Its the same on this forum - there are certain contributors who after a while you just implicitly 'trust.'

Who knows?! Its just yet another little mystery that keeps us all guessing! :)

In Reply to: Re: Time sure goes by fast ! posted by Ron on March 02, 2011 at 22:59:10 PST:


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