Re: The Dreamlandresort Community

Message posted by Swede on December 15, 2010 at 3:29:21 PST:

This is a very interesting discussion. I think a new forumplatform with a userprofil would be a great idea.

I am a meber of several forums where userprofiles are a common practice. The amount of information you want to put in your userprofile is however opional so if you still want to stay anonymus you can.

I've have gained a lot of new friends in this way. I have also been able to directly ask people that i know (by reading their userprofile) have knowledge about specific areas of interest, and i have also recived questions from people that want my expertease.


P.S Please forgive my poor writing in english, i'm from Sweden ;)

In Reply to: Re: The Dreamlandresort Community posted by loopbacktest4echo on December 14, 2010 at 7:37:19 PST:


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