Re: R4808N Airspace NAVAIDS & Fixes

Message posted by lone wolf on January 02, 2007 at 11:33:30 PST:

Peter Merlin found the XTA Homey designation. There was a thread on this.

vegas to groom

vegas to the TTR

TTR to Vegas

Groom to Vegas (normal route)

Groom to Vegas (oh dark thirty route)

There is an official FAA feed of fixes. Actually, it is a ftp site that is password protected. It also has the frequencies used at each airport, ATC frequencies, etc. Anyway, though it contains what are known as private fixes, the Groom Lake fixes do not appear in the FAA feed. The XTA HOMEY came from a database by I believe Honeywell. It was listed in Peter Merlin's post.

This text explains fixes in more detail. I would expect any five letter fix used by Groom to be in the reserved airspace, otherwise they would use the public 5 leter fixes or a radial fix.
Fixes can be specified in the following 5 manners:

Predefined fix: a sequence of 3 capital letters. Ex: TXK, LIT, BOS. In the grammar we
construct we refer to this type of fix as .

Fix specified by its geographical coordinates: a sequence of 4 digits specifying the
latitude of the fix (optionally followed by the letter N), followed by a slash, followed by a
sequence of 5 digits specifying the longitude of the fix (optionally followed by the letter
W): nnnn(N)/nnnnn(W). Ex: 3441N/10332W, 3441/10332. In the grammar we construct
we refer to this type of fix as .

Radial fix: radial fixes are specified relative to another predefined fix. The general
format is
Ex: BOS263039. In the grammar we construct we refer to this type of fix as

Coordinate fix: coordinate fixes are specified by their absolute coordinates in the Center:
. Ex: 234/678.
Intersection fix: these fixes are situated at the intersection of two jet-routes with no nav
aid. Ex: CUGAR

In Reply to: Re: R4808N Airspace NAVAIDS & Fixes posted by CRJPilot on January 02, 2007 at 10:55:38 PST:


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