MOON WALK or Moon Pies

Message posted by Spooky_Dogg on March 22, 2001 at 20:47:35 PST:

So from the consensus that I read on the board
MOST of you actually BELIEVE that we never arrived
nor ever physically had an astronaut walk on the REAL
Moon -- is that correct?

Well, IF *THAT* is so, I guess the Carriers retrieving
the space pods and several sworn-to-tell-the-truth
CIVILIAN agencies you folk RELY on for your public (and sometimes NOT so public) information MUST have be in COLLUSION with not only the Department of Defense but NASA both in Florida as well as Texas -- is that correct?

FACTS are that Astronauts EQUIPMENT has been been
"road-tested" in SIMULATION on site in question.
Now, IF you really want to believe Fox the famous B'sers ... well, friends, THAT's your priviledge, but
then Thanks for the Billions you spent for the REAL thing. Thanks for the covert Billions for Satellites
wasting your valuable resources. Thanks for the Billions of dollars paid-out for "imagination" man-hours of civilians and military personnel involved in the space program. And, better yet, Thanks for the Billions you've spent on "imagination" projects toward someday colonizing not only the Moon, but Mars as well.
Must be another science fiction dream. Gee, guess I've gotta go and play now with my imaginary toy grenades
and GI Joe toy trucks... but let me thank you first for the Salary you've paid me through the years to play with "toys" and fight "imaginary enemies."
Funny those flying bullets were so very REAL.... hmmm... must have been my imagination.

Guess I'll have to pass the word for the Marines to protect the "imaginary" people in the "imaginary" embassies that must exist in never-never-land....

Have a Moon Pie and Dr. Pepper and smell the Roses, baby, y'all be took to the cleaners - BUT - not by your red-blooded American troops....

Yellow Journalism at its best.


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